Thursday, June 23, 2011

You have no rights.

Have you ever watch YES MAN?

Here is a short intro to that movie:
Always say yes to the things when people invites you. Otherwise you are a NO man.
No life, No friends and NO happiness.
Only Loneliness. Few friends. Stupid whining.

To my long lost friend:
So the moral of the story, don ever reject anyone else with no good reason. People can differentiate between excuses and reasons and good excuses and good reasons too. HAHAHA! Thats so dump of you if you are doing that.

Don ever complain or whine to anyone when all this has occurred. Because you have no rights to even whine or angry. You see. Totally there isnt any point of it. Even if you are whining or angry when others, think about yourself first. Why such things would have happened on you.

Because you are A NO MAN!
You always say no, No and NO. Whoever would wan to ask you out?
Pls be unhappy with me and not others because im the one who organized this. So come and whine in front of my face and tell me everything that you are unhappy with. I will then explain point by point to you.

Just hope you could wake up to the real real reality world.
Stop living in within your own imagined reality world because it doesnt work. They just fail so badly.
Make a difference in your life so you would be happier and more confidence in life.
Plus being a hypocritical person is good at work but not in moral life.
Thats sad to hear that you are.

Life shouldnt be the way when you are trying so hard to fit into the society.
Rather make the society fits into you then you might be stress-free!

Learn from it. Thats life in other low back country. Probably not in SG.
So maybe everyone should try to change it? Or simply just leave SG for goodsake.

I prefer the latter but i don have money to fulfill that. 
Loves, wena

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