Saturday, March 12, 2011

Some Rants.
which im really unhappy about

This semester I had 6 Projects on hand and 1 was down this Thursday.
2 will be due this coming week.
Another 2 due following week.
Last project will due on the last week of semester.
But i have tons of assessments as well! =(

So Im not ranting on how much workloads i have, instead im going to bitch on some ppl.
As a poly grad entering into a local uni., especially entering into a Faculty which most probably you could not find any/few poly peeps. You will meet tons of JC ppl.
Ppl who detests on you, discriminate you in a sarcastically way.

I know ppl bitch about me on how i write about this post - why emo, life is too short to emo, don always so emo, etc. Come on everyone bitches on everyone/thing. But this issue seriously can get so fucked up, when you really meet THESE JC PPL who detest you so strongly. AND THEY ARE REALLY FAKE IN FRONT OF YOU OR OTHERWISE. DIRECT CRITICISMS!

Of course, Im not referring to all JC ppl, just some particulars. Even though i know life is too short to emo, complain, bitch, just be content with what i have now and such, it's not that simple! Having to complete a certain task, not just interest plays apart but company is important as well. I know UNI life is said to be REALLY INDEPENDENT, but at least you should have one or two friends. Not for me in this case.

Then coming to projects, when you meet ppl who really sux. up. We just had to sux our thumbs and remain silents, since your comments/recommendations are not viewed or even being heard. I am doing a sociology module in this sem, was in a gp of four girls containing a geo. major yr3, a bus. major yr4, a soci. major yr1 and me. THIS YR4 BUS member seriously have some problem with handling this module and when we are having discussions meetings, she only having eye-contact with the geo Yr3 member ONLY AND ALWAYS. As if the rest are non-existence.

So for this particular mod, we have to complete 1ppt and essay that suppose to be related. The thing is in SOCIOLOGY, THERE ISN'T RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER.

But the way she interprets it, THERE MUST BE A ANSWER FOR IT.
"OMG! pls there isnt any answer or specific method or things we had to look on it" came bubbling up in me.
As our lecturer had came up a daft outline for both our ppt and essay, in order for us to have a kick start. So when we were discussing on what location we had to present about; she goes like "we must answer all the qus that the lect listed out, we die-die must find a topic that can fits every ques and we must have a argument topic!"

These really seem so irrelevant to me at all! I don see a need to have an argument statement. Really!
Cause there isn't a need, furthermore this is soci. What is there to argue about? NOTHING.

Worse of all, she actually had consulted the lecturer about what are the topic she wants to see via our ppt.
She mentioned friendly-ly that "ohh! there isn't anything particular that im looking for. There isnt any specific things that i wan to see from you guys! Probably you guys can just talk about your experiences, sentosa, USS, MBS, etc! That will be so interesting!"

I goes "yeah yeah you are right! *nod head vigourously!*" 

Previously, i did suggest about this places before we even consulted the lect, and the YR4 responed that I don see a point that why should we discuss about this location cause there isnt any historical background and not much issues to talk about. So again, i suggested on Chinatown, little India. She replied again that the lecturer had already mentioned in the lecture, i don think is visible to mention it again in our tutorial ppt.

WTF she wants. Then she didnt come up with any ideas just feedbacks of cannot, NO, THIS IS NOT VISIBLE, I DON SEE THAT WE SHOULD MENTION ABOUT IT.


Total lame shit!

p/s: whenever she talks, she will kinda enlarge her eye lids. Looks aggressive and commanding! HATE IT!
p/ss: There's not answer, don need to look for them cause soci is a versatile mod

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