Phillippines Day 4 @ 13/12/11

Ended up. To construct this corridor path outside the classroom.
Overall, today's work was just physical challenging for all of us, ladies. Maybe not that much for the guys.
Tiring, sore, sweaty, burn. On the contary, we learn sth new and have a grest sense of achievement for the start of our project.
I think they have to resmoothen the cement floor again. =P

Daily route:
Everyday we would pass by this green and dusty-yellow patches of field.
Refreshing air and countless of great views for us to appreicate every single day. Love the life over there.
Things were simple and content-ful. ^^
So our first task was land scaping and some manual and "hardcore" job.
A nice group picture of us on top of the magic school bus.
To feed you some details about our project:
Unlike OCIP/YEP projects back in Secondary or Poly times.
Such projects organised by university are so much different. This is because our leaders have planned all the events before a new semseter starts. Then to interview interested participants, then selection and finally the starts of our project. Meetings, bazaars and local CIP trips. All the donations and profit earned are offered to the Phillippines, Bago City for charity purposes.
Yes... So during our exam period. The local try members of Phillippines have started out the project by starting the construction of a classroom before our arrival. In order for us to start working on it.
The start of our first project was land scapping.
Digging of soil, human chain for transporting bags and bags of soil.
Dave and Nathan(distant cousin)
Carry bags of sand, soil and pebbles/stone. Freaking heavy!
We are working out under the hot sun with some physical training on our arms.
Vanessa (bro), Shin and Jake (far distant cousin)
p/s: the story of the 3 bros and 2 cousin shall be reveal soon. =P
After a huge rain has ended, we starting doing the last portion of land scapping.
Which is passing pails and pails of cements with pebbles/stone.
Ended up. To construct this corridor path outside the classroom.
Overall, today's work was just physical challenging for all of us, ladies. Maybe not that much for the guys.
Tiring, sore, sweaty, burn. On the contary, we learn sth new and have a grest sense of achievement for the start of our project.
I think they have to resmoothen the cement floor again. =P
Aditi and Munching
WOooooo. Finally its done on the outside but not for the inside though. Still need alittle more and it will be done soon before we could start painting on the walls. =D
Ending a picture of Nathan and I.
Showing of our biseps. =P
Once again Grp shots.
I just cant help it to post photos of us with the magic school bus. They are so pretty and our colours are always so cheerful! ^^
Back to our bunk. With all our dirty shoes around. OMG.
#memories. #大怀念
As usual some showered. Some chilled. Then meetings again.
After meeting. Some of us are in-charged of the marvel figure to be drawn on the wall.
So we have to stay awake to finalize our drawings for the next few days wall painting.
And our dear celeste was stressing and worrying that she might spoilt the whole art piece. Don be silly girl.
You see. Everything was so well done at the end of the project! ^^
You did a great job and so was everyone else. =DD
Up next. White furbish + 3 bros and 2 cousin story unfold. HAHAHA!
Extremely hilarious. So stay up for the next post.
p/s: Its the 4th day. Even though there are several hiccups here and there Getting to know those who care for you are the true friends to be. =D Life are short to complain but learn to treasure those who was once there in my life. Thats which creates my life experiences and memories. =)
Loves, wena
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