This is my first ever "shortget away" with friends. Something that I have pending for so long.
Definitely I did travel with them last time and several times, but that was SCHOOL trip. This time was different. We settled all the transportation bookings everything ourselves. ^^
Even though it was just Batam, Im still overwhelm by our efficiency and attitudes. Super onZ!
Brought our deal which include of ferry transfers, accommodation and activities.

Meet up early at hougang and head over to harbourfront.
All packed and ready to go.

Check in and rotted in our hotel for awhile and was discussing which activities should we go about first.

There after much much discussion we had about 2 hrs of ATV ride!
Freaking awesome! We negotiated with the locals and they offer us our request!!!
I think our coach gave us some extension time. We drove through jungles and rocky beaches under the hot sun and even through muddy paths. I mean muddy paths and so i really meant it,
We could just stuck anytime. HAHA! Gina and I got stuck the most because we were rushing through.
The mud could just splatter upwards anywhere towards you.
Its just so fun and adventurous! I LIKE!!! ^^

Ended up, Eileen was the best. She didnt got stuck in between the mud or injured.
Whereas, Gina broke her nails~~~~~ =XXX
I got some minor scratches and scalded by the hot motor engine.

During the last 15 minutes, our coach brought us to an open space. Where there are several slopes and rocky floors for us to drive around. Simple fun! =DD
At the end, we got ourselves so muddy and extreme fun experience with ATV!
Lunch at the hotel restaurant. Their food was up to our expectations. Taste, favours, service was overall good. However, its just oily for our sinloin steak.

Sizzling hot!
Head back to hotel after our early dinner. Didnt travel out to their city for shopping because I didnt want to.
Sorry girls! Thought it would be the same as Singapore but maybe pricing might be lower or sth. Was feeling unwell and lazy to travel around for shopping. Sorry! =X
Washed up and rest till we had our full body massage later in the night.
Didnt expect that we have to undress ourselves for this. HAHA.
Massage was good too. Had a nice chat with our ladies and know how much different between our lifes and theirs. Make me wonder about human always make comparisons and complaints on the latter.
"The grass is always greener on the other side."
Brought my 孔明灯 over to batam. Had wrote our wishes the first night but I was feeling unwell after the massage and laid on the bed and fell asleep soon after. My flu was killing me.


Woke up the next morning, breakfast --- rest and off to the beach for lit our 孔明灯.
Was worried that the candle couldnt lit up because of the strong wind in the morning. Then out of a sudden the wind stop and our 孔明灯 was lit up and flew off.

Thats the end of my batam trip. There will be more I hope so too.
Loves my girls! ^^
Loves, wena
Definitely I did travel with them last time and several times, but that was SCHOOL trip. This time was different. We settled all the transportation bookings everything ourselves. ^^
Even though it was just Batam, Im still overwhelm by our efficiency and attitudes. Super onZ!
Brought our deal which include of ferry transfers, accommodation and activities.
Meet up early at hougang and head over to harbourfront.
All packed and ready to go.
Check in and rotted in our hotel for awhile and was discussing which activities should we go about first.
There after much much discussion we had about 2 hrs of ATV ride!
Freaking awesome! We negotiated with the locals and they offer us our request!!!
I think our coach gave us some extension time. We drove through jungles and rocky beaches under the hot sun and even through muddy paths. I mean muddy paths and so i really meant it,
We could just stuck anytime. HAHA! Gina and I got stuck the most because we were rushing through.
The mud could just splatter upwards anywhere towards you.
Its just so fun and adventurous! I LIKE!!! ^^
Ended up, Eileen was the best. She didnt got stuck in between the mud or injured.
Whereas, Gina broke her nails~~~~~ =XXX
I got some minor scratches and scalded by the hot motor engine.
During the last 15 minutes, our coach brought us to an open space. Where there are several slopes and rocky floors for us to drive around. Simple fun! =DD
At the end, we got ourselves so muddy and extreme fun experience with ATV!
Lunch at the hotel restaurant. Their food was up to our expectations. Taste, favours, service was overall good. However, its just oily for our sinloin steak.
Sizzling hot!
Head back to hotel after our early dinner. Didnt travel out to their city for shopping because I didnt want to.
Sorry girls! Thought it would be the same as Singapore but maybe pricing might be lower or sth. Was feeling unwell and lazy to travel around for shopping. Sorry! =X
Washed up and rest till we had our full body massage later in the night.
Didnt expect that we have to undress ourselves for this. HAHA.
Massage was good too. Had a nice chat with our ladies and know how much different between our lifes and theirs. Make me wonder about human always make comparisons and complaints on the latter.
"The grass is always greener on the other side."
Brought my 孔明灯 over to batam. Had wrote our wishes the first night but I was feeling unwell after the massage and laid on the bed and fell asleep soon after. My flu was killing me.
Woke up the next morning, breakfast --- rest and off to the beach for lit our 孔明灯.
Was worried that the candle couldnt lit up because of the strong wind in the morning. Then out of a sudden the wind stop and our 孔明灯 was lit up and flew off.
Thats the end of my batam trip. There will be more I hope so too.
Loves my girls! ^^
Loves, wena
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