Happy BirtHday 2 Suat Teng!
Today hope you really enjoy your day!!!
Very sorry 4 being late! Cause i forgot to took my ez-link card,
so went home 2 get it.
As before tat i went back school to pass $$$.
ReaLly Very sorry!!! >.<
Today hope you really enjoy your day!!!
Very sorry 4 being late! Cause i forgot to took my ez-link card,
so went home 2 get it.
As before tat i went back school to pass $$$.
ReaLly Very sorry!!! >.<
Since we met everyone.
Took some photos,while walking around deciding wat 2 eat.
Heading towards our dinner
Diff faces of eating lemon!!!
1.eating e lemon. Shi Siuan de lor!!!
2.having some additional sauces.
3.MORE sauces!!!
4.Nearly vomit out!
Just being lame.... XD
While waiting for Eileen, joel & Joanne.
We were having some fun in e water.
As E N JOE went 2 look for cake.
While Joa went 2 get her keys......
Nice cake isn't it?!

Firstly...Wishing.(but she said she did not wish anything! Too shocked?!)
2nd-ly...Blowing candles.(some more magic candles! ~LOL~)
3rd-ly...Cutting de cake(cannot c e knife! =P)
4th...Finally a photo wth her "mango" cake!
First time!!! This is the very very first photo the 8 of us were in there together!
Was like don know how many years/ months/ weeks/ days/ hrs/mins/ secs,
we then took this very 8 ppl together! =X
See how she smile 2 my cam.!
Nvr before she smile so happily in frot of any cam. before in this manner!
Think she really did enjoyrd herself ba.
I'm right?!
Tell me yes......
~cause she give me face~ =D
Wat! Acting as a......
Today took many photos!
But mostly i look dame weird or ugly because of my hair!!!
Goona go cut them away!!!!!
Bald?! ~LOL~
For more photos pls view this blog! ^^
Thanks 4 visiting my Blog! =D
Today took many photos!
But mostly i look dame weird or ugly because of my hair!!!
Goona go cut them away!!!!!
Bald?! ~LOL~
For more photos pls view this blog! ^^
Wat! Acting as a......
Today took many photos!
But mostly i look dame weird or ugly because of my hair!!!
Goona go cut them away!!!!!
Bald?! ~LOL~
For more photos pls view this blog! ^^
Today took many photos!
But mostly i look dame weird or ugly because of my hair!!!
Goona go cut them away!!!!!
Bald?! ~LOL~
For more photos pls view this blog! ^^
Thanks 4 visiting my Blog! =D
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