Today shall be my last visit to my gynae till I see her in the labour ward.

I am already in week 40 and there is still no signs of bb Soh coming out. Gets me worrying abit. I have been moving around a lot during my pregnancy and even exercise but the magic didnt work on me. =( I want a smooth delivery please! Its time to ask bb Soh to come out sooooooonnnn.
Till date, I have gained 15kg. Both mother and son are healthy. However, Im experiencing sore feets and tailbone when i shift myself. Body is getting heaviler and is aching like shit. It will be over very soon till then it will be lag if sleepless night. Haha!
Both A and I are expecting Bb Soh anxiously. A life changing for our families and friends, definitely the both of us too. Well.... for me, I am really excited that someone important will be joining us this year which is sth that i have been waiting for. However, at the same time, someone who is so dearly to me has left me as well. I didnt even have the chance to walk her off on the last route. I hope she knows that im always her beloved grandchild. I really miss you, 阿媽。

Guess you are happy over the other side with 公公。Please blessed me and bb Soh to be safe and heathly and also painless if possible! Haha!
Loves, wena