Went to www
When i was about to leave my house then i realized the tickets are
DEAD DUE!BUT when we got there we still able to get to go in!
without spending any cents...
while waiting for eileen happen to see yiqian there.
Yah anyway here are the pics

After the fun, kristi was
SUNBURN! and i burnt my tongue after the steamboat.
We settle it at ZhongQin and the queue was like shit.
anyway the 中麻辣(hot) is not hot at all.
The food were FRESH but not the lala!
i cannot survive after a while man!
Only Eileen and Kristi kept eating but still Kris won!
Just one word WOW!

so i shall end it here
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--->yihui:yar! i still got more! ahahha! super jindian! =D
--->mr J:yar... ^^
--->eileen: we had been in the jokes for like days lah! hahaha OMG~! we are so~~~ =P
--->kokwei:hhhaha yeah! THANKS MAN! =D
--->ros: hahaha! okay.. oh but i cannot find those pic. OMG~ =(